The Green Mountains of Vermont are part of the larger Appalachian Mountain system, which extends from Maine to Georgia and includes not only the Green Mountains but also the Allegenies, Catskills, Blue Ridge, and the Smokies. This mountain system is huge, but the mountains in it are significantly shorter than those in the Rocky Mountain system in the western US. Why? Geologists have determined that it is because they are much older than the Rockies. They have been worn away over time.
These mountains have weathered storms brought on by nature and humanity. These storms have worn them down, taken pieces away bit by bit. And yet, they are just as strong and stunning as they have ever been. Their core has not changed.
No matter what time and struggle strip away from us, our core still remains, and regardless of how that core has been battered and bruised, it is still stronger than we realize. No matter the storms that batter us, we still remain. We are still beautiful. We are still strong. We can still inspire. We still stand, stunning, remarkable, and alive.
These pictures were taken on a bucket list trip to the Trapp Family Lodge, Stowe, Vermont, in June 2018.